Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Doing the right thing

GitHub just announced that they now have a single developer plan for private developers. 

That's great news. I paid for the basic account because I wanted to support them, it's an awesome service and they deserve to make money out of it. The 3 private repos plan felt a bit stingy and I was reluctant to use up my private repos. As a result I didn't use them at all and that's a bit pointless really. I suspect a lot of people felt the same way and maybe that's why they changed.  

Now they have unlimited repos I will put everything I do on GitHub. It makes total sense to do this, I'll never lose anything. Bash scripts, odd bits of Python, spreadsheets etc, everything!

I previously said I don't like Git. I still don't. It's way too complex for my needs, I just use baby-git. That's the smallest subset I can get away with, I crave simplicity and git isn't. 

I do love GitHub though, their tooling is outrageously good and it's clear that GitHub is now a service much like broadband is; it's ubiquitous and taken for granted.